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De Wiki Medal of Honor Francophone -
Multijoueur Medal of Honor Allied Assault
Definition.pngLes modes de jeu
Objectif - Team Death Match - Free for all - Round-based
La Traque (The Hunt) - obj/obj_team1

The hunt.jpg

Usine V2 (V2 Rocket Facility) - obj/obj_team2

Usine v2.jpg

Omaha Beach - obj/obj_team3

Omaha beach.jpg

Le Pont (The Bridge) - obj/obj_team4

Le pont.jpg
Sud de la France (Southern France) - dm/mohdm1

Sud france.jpg

Le Village en ruine (Destroyed Village) - dm/mohdm2

Village detruit.jpg

Remagen - dm/mohdm3


Carrefour (The Crossroads) - dm/mohdm4

Le carrefour.jpg

Parc enneigé (Snowy Park) - dm/mohdm5

Parc neige.jpg

Stalingrad - dm/mohdm6


Alger (Algiers) - dm/mohdm7


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